The postnatal period can be defined as the first 6-8 weeks after birth. Postnatal care should be a continuation of the care the woman has received through her pregnancy, labour and birth and take into account the woman's individual needs and preferences.
Postnatal care refers to the care and support provided to a mother and baby after childbirth. It focuses on recovery, well-being, and ensuring that both mother and infant thrive in the early weeks and months after birth.Postnatal care ensures that the mother recovers well physically and emotionally from the challenges of childbirth while also receiving guidance on how to care for her baby.
Postnatal Care refers to the care provided to the mother and newborn after childbirth. This phase is crucial for the well-being of both the mother and baby and is typically divided into two main categories: maternal care and neonatal care.
The focus of maternal postnatal care is to ensure the mother's recovery from childbirth, identify any complications, and promote overall well-being. It is usually provided in the first 6 weeks after delivery, though continued support may be necessary depending on the circumstances.
The newborn requires immediate and ongoing care to ensure healthy growth and development. Postnatal care for the infant usually starts right after birth and continues for at least the first few weeks.